Demonty stays on track at school with a personalized approach to learning and great teachers who work with his mom.
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As a bright elementary school student, Peter loves the challenge of extra assignments. Dedicated, state-certified teachers support him as he works ahead to reach his true potential—while enjoying plenty of free time to be a kid.
With K12-powered online school, Peter’s family has the flexibility to make every day a unique and enriching learning experience.
Peter’s elementary education includes a blend of scheduled, live classes and independent assignments. With textbooks and course materials delivered to his doorstep, Peter works at his own pace — offline, as well as in the interactive online portal.
Children become impassioned lifelong learners when they’re given the opportunity to discover their strengths, explore their interests, and see how their studies apply to the world around them. Built-in flexibility invites family bonding time, outdoor exploration, and memorable moments.
Live classes, lessons, textbooks, and real-life adventures align to nurture curiosity in and outside the classroom. For example, Peter’s interest in ecosystems takes his family to the local wetland to catch tadpoles and watch beavers building their dams. Peter’s teachers encourage him to put together poster presentations to share his observations with classmates, socialize, and develop self-confidence.
The online learning system engages students, encourages collaboration, and promotes asking questions. Outside the classroom, students can join clubs to further their knowledge and interests while having fun with friends. For example, Peter participates in science club, music club, and a coloring club that keeps him busy during the summer months.
Between studies, Peter meets up with pals from online school to play air hockey and arcade games, race toy cars, and practice taekwondo. Peter especially loves comics and browsing the latest superhero stories at the store with his friends and father. Samantha appreciates that online school gives Peter the flexibility and freedom to be a happy and well-rounded kid.
When Peter started online learning in kindergarten, mom and Learning Coach Samantha spent more time by his side working through the lessons. Now that he’s working independently, she answers questions and encourages him to explore subjects of interest in greater depth. and platform. Fortunately, we can help you with both.
Peter is a particularly independent student. Each morning, he turns on his computer and goes through most of his lessons on his own. His mom is nearby to help if he has any questions. Most elementary school Learning Coaches can expect to provide four to six hours of guidance and encouragement each day.
Peter’s teachers have all the tools, training, and tech support they need to provide students with inspiring instruction and personalized attention. Samantha says the teachers’ dedication really shows — and that Peter loves all his educators, especially his math teacher.
Peter starts his day with a live Language Arts class led by his state-certified teacher. For the rest of the day, he moves through vocabulary, handwriting, science, social studies, and math assignments on his own. If he’s stuck, mom and Learning Coach Samantha is there to help — and Peter can always ask teachers questions via live class, email, or weekly office hours.
Peter starts his day with a live Language Arts class led by his state-certified teacher. For the rest of the day, he moves through vocabulary, handwriting, science, social studies, and math assignments on his own. If he’s stuck, mom and Learning Coach Samantha is there to help — and Peter can always ask teachers questions via live class, email, or weekly office hours.
Peter learns all the core subjects taught in traditional school. The number of classes elementary age students take varies by grade level and individual. Second-grade students like Peter take four to six subjects each semester, with two to four of those requiring scheduled, live classes.
Fast-paced Peter moves quickly through his personalized learning program and takes advanced courses at his true academic level. He’s excited to learn and easily recalls new concepts from the interactive curriculum. His online instructors encourage his insatiable curiosity and self-motivation by continuously challenging him with new topics
Mom and Learning Coach Samantha is confident in her choice to embrace online education. Peter is self-motivated and loves learning, while Samantha values the time they get to spend together.
From kindergarten to high school, K12 provides tuition-free online education that empowers students to learn in ways that work for them. Browse options in your state to find the perfect fit for your family.
These are the stories of real students attending K12-powered schools and their families. Content is a combination of direct quotes and summaries from interviews. Their stories each reflect their experiences at their respective schools. Actual experiences can vary by student and school. These pages are designed to reflect a typical day in the life of a student attending an online K12-powered school. Individual class schedules and requirements will vary by state, school, and the individual needs of each student. Course materials vary, and certain schools may not provide computers or may have specific requirements for providing equipment.